3회차 인물 묘사
Do you have a colleague who is very close with you? Describe him or her in as much as detail as possible.

Today's Objectives!
1. Learn how to describe people around you!
For example, boss, colleague, parents, best friend, neighbors etc.
성격이나 외모를 묘사하는 어휘(형용사)를 암기한다.Try to memorize the terms and words(adjectives) to describe other people.
인물을 더욱 생생하게 묘사한다. Try to get the ability to describe other people vividly!
객관적인 묘사가 더 좋다. Objective description is preferable.

답변에 포함할 요소들
어떤 팀에서 무슨 일을 하는 동료인가
The department or team where he/she's working
His or her role in the company
처음 알게 된 시기

How I first met them.
특징이 되는 점 - 성격 혹은 외모

Describe him/ her distinctive personality or appearance.
내가 좋아하는 점
What I like most about him or her.
묘사하는 요소들과 개인적으로 좋아하는 이유를 연결하여 논리적인 답변을 해보자.

Useful Expressions
어떤 팀에서 무슨 일 하는 동료? Which team? Role?

She currently works in the accounting department.
He is in the same department as me.
년 선배 She is two years my senior. She is my senior by two years.
년 후배
He is one year my junior. He is my junior by one year.
입사 동기
We started working in the same year.
만난 계기 When or where we first met

I first met him at the company’s year-end party.(
During the orientation, we first met.
3. Vivid description
a) She is in her early/mid/late twenties.
묘사 예시

b) She has a dimple deep on her left cheek that shows when she smiles and laughs.
c) He is always ready to help anyone in any situation.
*be ready to ~
할 준비가 되어있다
d) As I said earlier, she is easy to get along with.
*as I said earlier
아까 말했듯이
e) My boss's strict about getting the work done, but otherwise he's very lenient and understanding and sometimes I consider him as my role model.
* strict
엄격한 get the work done 일을 마무리하다 lenient 온화한 understanding 이해심이 많은
f) I can say my friend is a level headed man and I consider him as my role model.
*level headed
사리 분별력이 있는

내가 좋아하는 점은?
She shows positive attitude toward everything.
That's what I like her most.

중급자의 동영상
Q: Do you have a colleague who is very close with you? Describe him or her in as much as detail as possible.
A: I have a very close colleague in the same department as me. She is a senior and started working 1 year ago. She helps me every time when I have some question about work. And she works very hard. She is good at managing time so I learn a lot from her. I like her so much.
*Strong Point :
밝은 표정으로 내용도 자신과의 연결성을 찾아 잘 한 편이다
Weak points:
연결사가 거의 없고 디테일이 부족하다
아래 답변과 비교해 봅시다


I have a very close colleague in the same department as me.
She is my senior by two years and though I met her just a few months ago,
I can say she is not just a hard working and loyal employee,
but she has such a friendly, outgoing personality.
Whenever I have some questions about work, she gladly helps me any time saying “I'll be happy to help you”.
Above all she is good at managing time so I learn a lot from her.
That's exactly why I like her so much.

밑줄 친 연결사 및 vivid한 표현들을 잘 살펴봅시다
though, not just A but also B
I can say~ ~
라고 할 수 있다

above all

정확히, 바로 그것이,


Q: You indicated that you are currently working. Please describe your boss as much as possible.

A: In a word, my boss is great.
She's strict about getting the work done, but otherwise she's very lenient and understanding.
It's not hard at all to make a deal with her to work from home sometimes.
Basically, as long as the work gets done, she's very flexible.
I think she has a very reasonable and practical way of managing her employees.
And of course, she's very effective in what she does and knows how to help the employees become better workers as well.

in a word
한 마디로

make a deal with~ ~
와 거래하다

논리적인, 합리적인


논리적으로 생각하고, 암기하지 말자.
다양한 예를 가지고 많은 연습을 해야한다
다양한 형용사를 잘 익혀서 묘사에 적절히 사용하자
눈에 보이듯이 생생하게 묘사하라
객관적인 묘사가 더 좋다.

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