15회차 Narrative 문제해결 경험 이야기하기 Problem solving experience
Sometimes problems arise when technology doesn't work properly. Tell me a story about an experience you've had when your technology was not working. How did you solve the problem?

오늘은 문제 해결(problem solving) 을 중심으로 과거 경험(talking about your past experience) 을 이야기하는 방법을 배워보는 시간입니다."

OPIc Strategy
1. Logical Order
을 따라서 이야기를 전개할 것
문제상황 제시 → 2) 어떻게 해결했고 → 3) 왜 그렇게 해결했으며 → 4) 그 이후의 결과는 어떠했고 → 5) 그 때의 경험으로 무엇을 느끼고 배웠는지

과거 시제에 주의하여 말할 것!

답변에 포함할 4 Factors
어떠한 기술 부분에서 문제가 있었는지
? What specific issue was it?
어떻게 해결했는지
? How did you solve it?
왜 그 방법을 택했는가
? Why did you choose the way?
결과는 어떠했고, 어떤 점을 배우거나 느꼈는가
? What was the result and what did you learn from it?

Useful Expressions
1.  What specific issue was it?
갑자기 Suddenly / all of a sudden ~

a) Suddenly, the power was down.  *power
b) My computer broke down.
c) It won't turn on.
* won't = will not turn on (
전원 등을) 켜다

d)) It keeps turning off 10 minutes after I turn it on.
그것을 켠 다음 10분 지나면 자꾸 꺼집니다
*keep ~ing

영작!! 무슨 이유인지 모르겠지만 내 컴퓨터가 다시 꺼졌다
: My computer shut down again for no reason.
영작!! 내 컴퓨터가 완전히 멈춰서 나는 마우스와 키보드를 사용할 수 없었다
: My computer was frozen and I couldn't use my mouse and keyboard.
g) The jammed paper is torn and remained in the copier machine.
잔뜩 밀어 넣다, 꽉 끼이다 jammed 뭉친 torn 찢어진 (tear찢다 의 pp

*When did it happen? What was the project you were working on?
a)It was last week, / in the middle of ~ / my computer shut down ~
b) My computer shut down in the middle of and transferring a video file.
c)When I was in a rush to upload a file and an error popup message appeared.
d)During a group videoconference, suddenly the power went out.

어떻게 해결했는지? How did you solve it? Who helped you out?

a) I made an emergency call to ~
b) I called the computer tech team.
영작!! 나는 컴퓨터를 다시 작동시키기 위해 다시 껐다 켜야 했다.(부팅하다)
: I had to reboot my PC to make it work again.
d) I contacted the after sales service department immediately.
e) It took me about an hour to figure out the problem.
내가 ~하는데 시간이 ~걸리다

왜 그 방법을 택했는가? Why did you choose the way?
a) I thought that was the best way to do.
b) Actually the manual said what to do and what was supposed to happen. * be supposed to ~
하기로 되어있다
c) I knew he was the man who could handle the problem. * handle
다루다, 해결하다

d) My supervisor said I had to call that number in case of emergency.
*in case of : ~
경우를 대비하여

그 일에 대한 당신의 생각은? What did you think of new technology and what did you learn from that?

a) I think~ / In my opinion,
b) I have to improve my computer skills.
c) So often, I said to myself that new technology is a double edged sword.
* a double edged sword
양날의 칼
영작!! 제 생각에 신기술은 내 일을 더 어렵게 만드는 것 같아요. 왜냐하면 새로운 기술이 나올 때 마다 가장 최신의 정보를 찾는데 시간을 많이 써야하기 때문입니다.
In my opinion, new technology makes my job more difficult because so often I need to spend more time to search for the most up-to-date information.
가장 최신의

Possible Answers

When I was working on the report for the class, my computer broke down.So my report disappeared. I couldn't find how to fix the computer so I called my brother to help me. He figured out the way to get the report back. So I could turn →was able to hand in my report on due day.
Weak point:
답변이 짧은 편이고 자신의 의견이나 느낌을 언급하지 않아 완성도가 떨어진다.

I had a big problem with Adobe Acrobat.
It just froze and wouldn't respond at all.
It happened about one month ago when I was in a rush to draft a summary of all of the financial statements for the whole year for my boss.
Without any hesitation, I made an emergency call to our tech support team and Vince came to help me out. solution
I was sure that he was the man who could handle any computer related problems and he showed me that there are other programs that can read PDF files when Acrobat has a problem.
택한 이유

After that, I made up my mind to improve my computer skills so I can solve any problems in the near future.
느낀 점


Q: What was the most difficult thing during your school life? What did you do to overcome the situation? Please give me as much details as you can.
I never got along with my teachers very well.
Frankly, school was so boring to me. It was like torture.
I did my best to pay attention, but the lessons were usually too simple for me, so I became a bit of a troublemaker.
I wasn't trying to be a troublemaker; I was just bored out of my mind.
The teachers identified me as a bad apple, and that stuck with me all through the rest of my schooling until I made it to college.

I simply dealt with it by not taking it personally and studying things as they interested me on my own. solution
Anyhow, the good thing about all that is that it really helped me to develop a sixth sense for how to fight an unjust situation. What you learned
재미있고도 필요 요소들을 충족시킨 좋은 답변이다

고문 bad apple 못된 녀석 I made it to college. = I entered college. sixth sense 눈치

상황방법이유결과배운 점

자신의 경험을 예로 많이 연습해 둡시다.

14회차 Narrative 기억에 남는 순간 이야기하기
Tell me about one of the most memorable events that happened to you on vacation.

오늘은 과거의 경험 중에서도 '가장 인상 깊었던 순간 Memorable and impressive moment'를 중심으로 이야기하기' 에 관해 배워봅시다."

OPIc Strategy
이제부터 4강동안 나오는 이야기 만들기는 이제까지의 기법이 모두 함께 들어간 답변이라고 볼 수 있다
1) Simple information
단순정보 이야기 하기
꼬리에 꼬리를 물고, Wh-factors(육하원칙)을 사용하자
2) Why is it so memorable?
왜 기억에 남는지? 얼만큼 생생한지
3)Describe the very moment in detail
아주 구체적이고 생생하게
4)A bit of exaggeration is necessary.
과장해서 이야기하기
기억에 남는 순간을 묘사하는 것이기 때문에, 듣는 사람에게 더욱 인상적일 수 있도록 말하자. 감정동사 및 부사를 적절히 사용하고, 목소리 톤에도 변화를 주어 "가장 인상 깊었던 순간"을 생생하게 묘사한다

Story telling
1)       Simple information (Wh-factors)
2)       Move the listener's mind! Add more fun to your answer!

답변에 포함할 4 Factors
1. Simple information: When? Where? What? (Wh-factors)
2. Detail of the happening -
특정 사건을 구체적으로 묘사해보면
3. Why is it so memorable?
4. What did you feel and think at that time?

Useful Expressions
1. Simple information: When? Where? What?
a) The most memorable trip of my life was~
b) For the first time in my life, I took a plane to go abroad.
* go to abroad
로 쓰지 않는 것에 주의
c) When I was a college freshman~.
d) Last year's summer vacation was fantastic .
e) !!
영작!! 그것은 정말 가치가 있었다
. → It was worth it.
f) It surely was a summer to remember.
명사+to remember 기억할 어떤 것 *surely 과장표현

g) My visit to India was really a vacation to remember.
h) That was one the most unforgettable events.

2. Detail of the happening -
특정 사건을 구체적으로 묘사해보면?
a) I can clearlyremember that ~
b) I have a vivid (lucid) recollection of watching the Winter Olympics.
회상 vivid/lucid 눈에 보이듯 생생한
c) when I was a teenager, one summer we took a family trip to the Grand Canyon.
영작!! 나는 멧돼지에게 쫓겼었다.
→ I was chased bya wild boar.(
e) !!
영작!! 아빠가 과속으로 경찰에 잡혔다
→ My dad got caught for over speeding.
과속 get caught 잡히다

f) I fell off my horse and broke my ankle.

3.& 4. 왜 그게 가장 기억에 남는 사건이 되었고 어떤 기분과 생각이 들었나?
감정의 표시는 사람이 주어일 때, 수동태로 쓰는 것에 주의!
Be frightened by ~ / I was horrified ~ / I was embarrassed ~
말하기 시험이기 때문에 강조점을 줄 때에는 목소리 톤도 다르게 하여 감정을 실어서 이야기 하는 것이 좋다.

강조할 때 사용하는 부사: extremely, totally, severely
a) I was so frightened by a lion's roaring.
b) I remember being horrified to see a huge tornado coming straight to us.
영작!!  → Simply, I was mesmerized(넋을 잃다
) by the beauty of nature.
d) It was the best thing ever in my life.
e) That was the most unforgettable moment in my whole life.
f) That was far beyond my expectations.

Possible Answers

I can't forget the trip when I was a freshman→college freshman in university.
With three of my best friends, we went to an island
my summer vacation.
We went to → drove to the east coast driving a car.
It was my first driving trip → road trip only with friends.
The island was so small and calm →quiet but beautiful.
We had so much fun during the trip.
* Weak Point:
조금 더 정확하고 적절한 표현을 사용하도록 하자.


Last year's summer vacation was fantastic and it surely was a summer to remember.
For the first time in my life, I took a plane to go abroad.
The destination was Gold Coast, Australia and my favorite part was when I went to Water World.
I've seen water animals like sharks, dolphins a couple of times before on TV programs,
however, when I saw them in real life, they were amazing!
Apart from Water World, I tried bungee jumping in Gold Coast.
That's why last year's summer vacation was the most memorable and hard to forget.
*apart from
그것 이외에 in real life 실제로 hard to forget 잊기 힘들다

요소들을 잘 챙겨 넣은 모범답안이다.


Q: I'd like you to tell me about one sporting event that was especially memorable. Maybe something funny or unexpected happened. Tell me the whole story of that experience.
A: Well, I witnessed first-hand the most famous play in American sports history. In 2000, I was studying at UCLA and happened to be invited to the game by a friend. →Simple information
I didn't know anything about football and this was the first game I'd ever even watched. →Why is it memorable?
They were playing against Stanford, who had just scored a field goal to be winning by a single point with just 8 seconds left in the game. →Vivid description of the moment
Everyone thought the game was over, but when Stanford kicked the ball to UCLA,
they made an impossible series of backwards passes and scored a touchdown for the win.
The really funny part was that the band thought the game was over and came running out onto the field in the middle of the play! →Specific happening- add fun!
It's an amazing play to watch
and has gone down in history as, simply, "The Play."
→Exaggerate your story and tone of your voice.
* witness
목격하다 first-hand 직접 play against ~에 대항하여 경기하다

win by
점수: 점수차로 이기다 "The Play" 진짜 경기, 경기다운 경기

을 잘 하기 위한 여러가지 방법을 잘 익혀둡시다.
1. Simple information - Wh-factors
로 조목조목 설명하기

왜 기억에 남는지?
3. Vivid & lucid description - IN GREAT DETAIL!
4. Exaggeration!

13회차 Narrative 과거 경험 이야기하기
When was the last time you got together with your relatives or friends?
Please tell me what you did with them in detail.

오늘은 과거의 경험에 관해 '이야기'해보는 시간입니다. 설명이나 묘사와는 달리 이야기를 하는 것은 이제까지 배운 기법을 다 함께 동원하여 '재미있게' 이야기를 만드는 것이 가장 중요한 포인트입니다."
OPIc Strategy
과거경험을 재구성하기 즉, Narration=Story telling 에 관해 배워봅시다
1. Grammatical.htmlect
과거시제 및 과거 완료형을 정확하게 쓰는 연습을 하자
2. Wh-factors
In detail
로 설명하라고 했으니, 과거의 경험을 육하원칙에 근거하여 조목조목 이야기해보자
3. Story needs to be fun and energetic!!
재미있었던 일을 부각시켜서 이야기하는 것도 좋다. "이야기"(story-telling)에서는 듣는 사람이 지루하지 않고 재미있게 이야기를 만들어나가는 것이 중요하다
답변에 포함할
4 Factors
1. When was it?
핵심답변을 처음에 언급
2. What was the occasion?
3. With whom did you have a party?
4. What did you do?
재미있게 만들 부분

Useful Expressions
1. When was it?
a) early/late in the morning/evening/afternoon
b) It was two weeks ago.
c) It's been a few months.
d) The birthday party was held last Saturday night at my nephew's house.
영작!! 우리는 늦게 도착했어요.  We were late arrivals.
e) Early arrivals have included my grandparents, uncle Steve and
2. What was the occasion?
a) a family reunion party
가족 모임  a school reunion party 동창회

b) It was the celebration of their baby's first birthday.(
c) We threw a party to have fun with our friends.  *throw a party
파티를 열다

d) I went to my best friend's house warming party(
집들이) last night.
e) It was my parent's golden wedding anniversary.(
금혼식=50주년 결혼 기념일
) YES! They have been married for 50 years!
3. With whom did you have a party?
a) My relatives all gathered together and held a family reunion party!
*gather together
함께 모이다 hold 열다, 개최하다

b) !!
영작!! 모든 학생들이 새 학기를 축하하기 위해 모였다.
All students gathered together to celebrate the start of new school year.
4. What did you do?
a) We had a real good time.
참고로, "We painted the town red all night."은 같은 뜻이지만 slang이기에 인터뷰 상황이나 스피킹 테스트 상황에서는 쓰지 않는 것이 좋다
b) We chatted all night and I think drank too much but it was all good.
c)The party continued all through the night.
참고어휘 serve out wine 술을 내다  a wedding banquet/feast/reception 결혼피로연

throw a party/hold a wedding reception
파티를 열다 

tumultuous crowds/event 소란스러운 군중/행사

Possible Answers

I went to the1st birthday party for my niece on last Saturday. There were about more than 50 relatives. It was a big party. I had really good time talking and eating with my relatives. I enjoyed the party a lot.
*Weak point:
좀 더 구체적이고 생생한 표현이 없어서 fun & energetic 한 답변이 되지 못했다.


It was last year's Christmas Eve when I gathered together with my friends. It was kind of a small high school reunion party and there were 12 of us in all. We rented a beautiful resort named ‘Moonshine’ that had cabins with a wonderful fireplace, and several living rooms with a large outdoor area to gather together and grill. As we met together for the first time after more than 15 years, we were so thrilled to see each other and drank beer all night long. That was so memorable!


Q: Tell me about your first day at work. Tell me all the details.
A: My first day on the job was pretty tough actually. →

They basically just sat me down in front of a computer and told me to get to work with no orientation or anything. →
구체적인 사건
It was so nerve-wracking not having any idea of the company's policies.
Actually I almost quit the first day. →
생생한 감정표현
After lunch I went to my manager and told her that I needed some direction or else I wouldn't be able to come back the next day.
사건 전개

Finally, she explained to me that she was deeply sorry and the situation wasn't normal, but there was a strike in one of the factories that they were scrambling to deal with. →

She promised to get some time with me to talk about the job and on the second day we actually had a formal orientation. Since then the job has been great!→

이야기는 항상 재미있고, 힘이 넘치게 만들자
살을 덧붙여서 자세하게 이야기 하자
과거시제와 과거완료형을 자연스럽게 사용하자
4. Wh-factors
를 포함시켜 답변을 조리 있게 만들자.

12회차 Role-play 제안하기
I'm sorry. There's a problem you need to solve. The movie starts from 10 pm which you feel is too late. You need to explain your concern to your friend and offer two or three alternatives.

롤플레이 과제는 두 개가 연속으로 나오는 경우가 많다. 바로 전 문제에서 주어졌던 상황과 연결하여 이해를 해야 한다. 영화를 보러 가기로 해서 영화에 관해 질문을 한 후, 너무 늦은 시간에 영화를 봐야 하는 상황이다. 이 때, 친구에게 전화를 걸어 다른 대안을 친구에게 제시해야 하는 것이 오늘의 과제이다.
OPIc Strategy
STEP 1. Brief a person the current situation.
주어진 상황을 잘 듣고, 자신의 말로 다시 상황을 요약하여 설명할 수 있어야 한다
STEP 2. Suggest acceptable alternatives.
상황에 어울리고, 상대방이 수긍 가능한 대안을 제시해야 한다. 상대방이 받아 들이기 힘든 제안을 피하자
사실, 이러한 과제에 정답이란 없으므로 해결책을 제시하기 쉽도록 자신이 상황을 오히려 더 만들어서 제안을 하면 더욱 참신할 수 있다. 예를 들면, "전부터 네가 가고 싶어했던 레스토랑 있지? 거기 오늘 가볼까?" 라고 얘기하면 좀 더 자연스럽고 참신한 제안을 할 수 있을 것이다

Related Questions
1) You were supposed to meet your girlfriend after work, but while you were driving, you hit the car in front of you. Call your girlfriend and explain the situation.
→ Alternatives: postpone / cancel the date / Can you come here where I am?
2) Just imagine that someone has been breaking into your house last night. Call the police and tell the situation in detail.
3) You bought a new laptop, but you discovered that something is wrong with it. Call the store manager and leave a voice mail message explaining the situation and what the problem is and suggest two or three possible solutions.
→ Alternatives: I would like to exchange it. I would like to get it refund.
답변에 포함할
4 Factors
1. Greeting, beginning talk
2. Purpose of calling
3. 2~3 Acceptable alternatives
4. Ending

Useful Expressions

2. Purpose of calling
a) The reason why I call you is ~ .
b) I bought something there ~ ,however ~.
c) I bought a washing machine there yesterday; however, it stops about 5 minutes after I turn it on.
d) I think we've got a big problem now.

3. Suggest 2~3 alternatives
a) I have some alternative plans/suggestions.
b) I am calling you to offer you.
c) There're some alternatives.
d) I have some options to solve the problem.
e) I think I've got some ideas to handle this crisis.  *handle
일을 다루다, 처리하다

f) I would suggest you to stay where you are.
g) I'd like to suggest that you reconsider your priorities in life.
영작!! 나는 네가 지금 즉시 지역 판매자에게 연락할 것을 제안한다.
I would suggest you contact your local dealer immediately.
*Maybe instead of ~ing ~
대신에 ~하자

a) Maybe instead of going to the movies, we can go to an amusement park.
b) How about~ing?
How about having dinner instead of going to a concert?
c) !!
영작!! 웨이트 트레이닝 말고 요가를 하는 게 어때?
How about doing yoga instead of doing weight lifting?

a) What should I do if my supervisor rejects my request or suggestion?
b) Please let me know if you have a good idea.

4. Ending
Please call me back on 123456, thanks.
Please let me know what you want.

Possible Answers
중급자의 동영상 Review
Hello, this is _____.
There's a problem.
The movie starts too late.
So let's watch movies not this time but sometime on this weekend. on

Or we could go to the other movie theater, there are some tickets left. Please call me later what you think.Please call me later and tell me what you think about it.
Bye!   →Weak point:
제안이 다소 약함

Hello, it's me.
I think we have a small problem now; do you know what it is?
It's about the movie we were planning to watch together this weekend.
The problem is that all seats are fully booked except for the late show.
The show doesn't start until 10 pm and it finishes at 1 am.
As you know my mom won't let me stay out that late.
So I guess it's better for us to see the movie someday next week.
What do you think?
Call me back soon.
*won't = will not  that late :
그렇게나 늦게

Q: I'm sorry. There's a problem you need to resolve. You’ve heard that the restaurant is not open that day. You’re calling to the relative and leave a message. You’re explaining the situation and suggesting three or four alternatives.

A: Hey Frank, Sara again. 인사
We've got a big problem; the restaurant had to close its doors this morning because their septic tank is backed up.

How about checking out the new steakhouse that just opened up downtown?
We could go there for dinner and then hit the Sky Lounge for cocktails overlooking the city's night skyline.

I was also thinking we might be able to get into the dinner club at the baseball stadium.

We can get a gourmet meal there and then watch the baseball game in style!
It's expensive, but it would be really cool.

I think Aunt Jemima is still the promotions director for the team so she can surely get us reservations.
덧붙인 설명

Let me know what you want!

*a septic tank

인사 -> 상황설명 -> 제안 -> 마무리의 순서로 깔끔하게 잘 된 답변이다

1. Suggestions should be acceptable!
2. Practice until you get used to the flow: Greet -> Purpose -> Brief situation summary -> Suggestions -> Ending

11회차 Role-play 질문하기
You're going to book two movie tickets for you and your friend. Call the ticket box and ask 3 or 4 questions to book the tickets.

오늘은 주어진 상황에 맞추어 롤플레이를 하는 과제가 주어집니다. 상황을 보고 적당한 질문을 만들어 전화 상에서 묻는 과제입니다."
OPIc Strategy
1. Understand and analyze the situation first.
질문 만들기는 상황을 정확히 파악하는 것에서 출발한다. 그 다음 관련된 질문 유형을 생각해보자
2. Practice leaving a brief phone message.
전화 상으로 메세지를 남기거나 직접 통화를 하는 롤플레이가 주어지기 때문에 연습을 하지 않으면 자연스럽게 연기하기가 힘들다. 연습이 꼭 필요한 부분이다
Related Questions
1) Call your supervisor and ask three or four questions about your job description.
Possible Questions: What exactly do I have to do? When is the deadline? With whom do I have to work?
2) You are going to make a reservation for your ski trip. Call a travel agency and ask 3 or 3 questions about your trip.
3)You are going to make a room reservation by phone. Call a hotel and ask three or four questions to reserve a single room for two nights.
Possible Questions: Room availability, room description (single room, suite…) room rate, check in/out time, extra-bed fee.
4) Call your teacher or someone who is in your class and ask for the assignment. Try to ask three or four questions about the assignment.
5) You're being interviewed for a new part time job. When you call the manager to find out more about this new job, you get his voice mail. Leave a message asking 3-4 questions about the new job.
Possible Questions: How much do I get paid? About location, working hours and work condition.
6) Family member is going on a vacation and you have agreed to take care of some of his or her responsibilities at home. Call your family member and ask 3-4 questions to get all the information you need before your family members leave.
7) Your friend is having a dinner party, and wants you to bring something. Ask your friend 3-4 questions about what you should bring.
Possible Questions: What occasion? (
어떤 종류의 파티
?) Location? What to bring? When?
답변에 포함할 4 Factors
전화를 건 목적
네 가지 질문하기
Ask 4 questions
Useful Expressions
1. Greeting
Hello, this is John.
전화 상에서는 "I'm John." 이라고 하지 않는다
전화를 건 목적

a) I want to book two tickets. * book
b) I'd like to make a reservation for tonight’s performance.
c) I want to reserve two seats for the concert.
단체예약을 할 수 있나요? *단체예약
: a block booking
Can I make a block booking ?

중요!! 영어에도 "공손법"이 있다. 인터뷰이므로 slang 은 피하고, politness에 신경을 써서 질문을 만들어보자.
a) May I ask you some questions?
b) I think I have to ask you several questions before I make a reservation.
공손법을 잘 사용한 표현
c) I wonder if there's some rooms left on this weekend.
의역: I wonder if~ 혹시 ~한지 궁금한게 있는데요
d) I was wondering about how much it would cost per person.
의역: 여쭤보고 싶었는데요
e) I'd like to make sure about the reservation.
제가 ~할까요
Should I do~?
Do you want me to do~?
Could I~?

*Question patterns 다음 유용한 표현을 외워두자.
What about~?
이건 어때요
How many people are going to be there?
몇 명이나 오기로 되어 있나요
What kind of place do you prefer?
어떤 장소를 선호하나요
Are you thinking of ~? ~~~
를 고려하고 있나요
What kind of food do you want?
어떤 종류의 음식을 원하나요
How old are the guests?
손님들의 연령대는
How long would it be?
얼마나 오래 하게 될까요
What should I do?
제가 무엇을 하면 되죠
Should I pick up somebody?
제가 누굴 데리고 올까요
4. Ending
Call me back and let me know, thanks!
Possible Answers
중급자의 동영상
Hello, I want to book two tickets.
Can I ask you some questions?
Are there two tickets for tonight?
What time and which movie is available?
And I am going to watch movie with my girl friend, so do you think it's ok for me and my boy friend watch together?
→ Politness
에 좀 더 신경을 써서 질문을 해봅시다


I'd like to book two tickets for this Saturday's show
and I need to know how much the tickets cost and whether back seats are available or not.
By the way, do you have a discount policy or something for the late show?
Also, do you have free parking ticket for the cinema customers?
That's all I want to ask you, thanks.
*I'd like to~
참고: I want to~라고 표현하면 무례하게 들릴 수 있다는 점을 주의하자
by the way
그런데 있잖아요 (회화에서 자주 사용하는 표현


Q: One of your best friends is going on vacation and you are asked to take care of his or her home. Call your friend and ask 3-4 questions to get all the information you need to take care of his house before leaving.
A: Hello Jack, I've been trying to get ahold of you about the house-sitting.
Are you still leaving tomorrow?
Please remember that you haven't given me the key!
Also, I have some questions about taking care of your iguana and ferret.
Do I need to exercise them?
Should I keep them separate or can they play together?
I know your busy getting ready to leave but this stuff is kind of important, so hit me back when you get a chance. Bye!
친구에게 질문을 하는 상황으로 재미있고 참신한 답변이다
빈 집 봐주기 (baby-sit 아이 돌보기
get ahold of~ ~
와 연락하다 , ~와 연결 짓다

hit me back
친구 사이에서 Call me back!과 같은 의미로 사용한다.

롤플레이는 특히 많이 연습해서 자연스럽게 연기를 하는 것이 중요하다
1. Analyze and understand the situation thoroughly!
2. Think twice before you answer.
3. Take your time!
4. Practice leaving brief messages!
여러 가지 상황과 과제에 대해 미리 준비하도록 합시다.

10회차 Exposition 미래계획 설명하기
Can you tell me what you are going to do during your next visit to another country?

OPIc Strategy
오늘은 "가까운 미래에 세운 계획에 관해 설명하기" 시간입니다.

1. Try to find a relationship between future plans and present or past experience..
미래에 관한 계획을 이야기할 때, 단순히 "~하기로 했다" 고 얘기를 마치지 말고
지금 혹은 과거의 어떠한 경험에서 발단이 되었는지 포함해서 이야기를 만들어보자

계획하게 된 이유를 설명하고
현재나 과거의 경험을 예로 든다

be going to , plan to
등 아직 일어나지 않은 일들에 대한 계획을 말하는 표현법을 익히고 자연스럽게 사용하는 연습을 하자

답변에 포함할
4 Factors
어떤 나라 여행 가고 싶은지
? Which country do you want to go?
누구랑 가고 싶은지
? With whom would you ravel?
가서 하고 싶은 일은
? What's your plan to do there?
왜 그것을 하고 싶은지
? Why do you want to go there? What made you do that?

Useful Expressions

1. 어떤 나라 여행 가고 싶은지? Which country do you want to go?
a) I want to travel to Nepal.
b) I am planning a trip to Canada.
영작!! 다음여행에서는 사하라 사막에서 사륜구동 여행을 하고 싶습니다.
On my next trip, I am thinking about a 4WD trip to the Sahara desert.
*4WD(Four-Wheel Drive)

d) I have a plan to go backpacking across Europe.

누구랑 가고 싶은지? With whom would you travel?
a) I would like to travel with my best friend.
b) My roommate and I have been planning to go backpacking.
c) I want to travel alone.
참고: solo travel 혼자 하는 여행
가서 하고 싶은 일은? What's your plan to do there?
a) I will enjoy the exotic scenery and especially see tropical rainforest.
이국적인 rainforest 열대우림
b)I want to ride the world's fastest and most twisted roller coaster there.
c) That place is well known for its seasonal whale watching and I want to watch it!
*be well known for~ ~
로 잘 알려진
d) I would like to find the meaning of life in Tibet

왜 그것을 하고 싶은지? Why do you want to go there? What made you do that? 왜 그 곳에 가고 싶은지? What are the reasons?
a) It has always been my dream to see the Statue of Liberty.
b) They say Thailand is very much tourist friendly.
명사 + friendly: ~에게 친숙한, 친절한
tourist friendly
여행자를 반겨주는, 호의적인
c)Europe has always been my dream destination.
d)For me, it's good to travel alone and I see it's a way to refresh myself.
e) !!
영작!! 저는 여행을 하면 스트레스가 없어집니다. 그리고 의사들도 스트레스를 없애는 것이 건강 상태를 아주 많이 증진시킨다고 말합니다.
I get rid of my stress by traveling ,and doctors say removing stress will vastly increase your state of health.
*get rid of = remove vastly= hugely state

f) I want to go to Macchu Picchu because it has just been voted as one of the new Seven Wonders of the world.
*Macchu Picchu
페루의 잉카 유적
g) I've read a book and it says, through meditation in the Himalayas, we can develop a lasting inner peace and find the meaning of life, so I want to go there.
명상 lasting 지속되는, 오래가는

Possible Answers
중급자의 동영상
I want to travel to India for my next vacation.
The reason why I go there is that I have read a lot about India and travels to India.
And now I want to experience the real life in India.
I want to meet Indian on the street and experience what I have read in the book.
듣는 사람이 정말 가고 싶을 정도로 더욱 생생하게 설명해보자




I'm planning a trip to Brazil for my next vacation.
I've always wanted to go there, even though it's quite far from here and will cost a lot.
Some of my friends are telling me that it would be closer and cheaper to go somewhere near Korea, like The Philippines or China,
but it has always been my dream to see Rio’s Carnival.
I've already booked my flight because we have to make reservations far in advance.
가고 싶은 이유를 잘 설명한 답변이다
*far in advance
훨씬 이전에


Q: What is your plan after school?
When I finish school, of course I plan to get a job, but first I'm planning a big trip.
My roommate and I have been planning to go backpacking in Europe together since our freshman year.
Over the years we've collected books and maps, so we already know the places we will visit and how we're going to travel around.
We even made friends with some exchange students from Germany, Spain, and Italy, that will let us stay with them, which should save us a lot of money.
방법론까지도 자세히 설명한 좋은 답변이다

일단, 큰 그림에 대한 대답을 먼저 해야 한다
* Future plan -> Show some relationship between past/present & future.
* Grammar : be going to, be planning to
등등의 표현을 잘 익혀두자

9회차 과정 설명하기
Tell me about a project that you recently completed. What were the steps you took in order to begin working on and finish the project?

OPIc Strategy
오늘은 어떤 목표에 이르기까지의 과정을 보여주는 말하기"를 배웁니다.
1. Explain it coherently and chronologically.
처음부터 결론까지, 일관되게 설명합니다
단계를 하나씩 밟아 순서대로 설명합니다
2. Avoid personal opinion
객관적으로 일관되게 각 단계를 설명하는 것이 더 좋습니다. 중간 중간에 자신의 의견이 들어가면 초점을 잃을 수 있습니다
3. It requires performance goals or results.
하루의 일과(routine)를 설명하는 것과 비슷하면서도 다릅니다. 이번에는 목표(a final goal) 와 결과물(results)이 있었던 과정을 설명합니다. 그리고 그 목표에 이르는 단계를 차근차근 설명하는 것입니다
) 프로젝트를 성공적으로 마친 경험에 대해 얘기할 때,처음에 프로젝트의 목표를 제시하고, 시작-중간-, 세 부분으로 나누어서 설명합니다. 중간 과정을 스텝별로 자세히 나누어 설명하다가 끝에 결과를 설명할 때, "처음에 수립한 목적을 어떻게 달성했는지"를 설명하면 논리적인 과정 설명이 됩니다

답변에 포함할 4 Factors
1. Basic information
어떤 프로젝트? 어떤 목적
준비 및 시작 단계에서 한 일은
? Preparation(beginning) stage.
중간 단계에 순서대로 한 일은
? How was it developed?
결과는 어땠나
? How was the end?

Useful Expressions
어떤 프로젝트? What kind of project was it?

The project was ~
a) I've just finished a project on exporting second-hand cars to Vietnam.
* second-hand
중고 project + on
b) Recently, I've finished the branching out project.
branching out project
지사 개설 프로젝트

2. 준비 및 시작 단계에서 한 일은? Preparation(beginning) stage.
a) I had to set the project start date. (
개시일) set (날짜를)정하다
b) We had to prepare it thoroughly(
완벽하게) as it is our first time to work with them.
c) !!
영작!! 그 프로젝트에서 가장 먼저 해야 했던 일들은 싱가포르에 있는 몇몇 도매상들과 연락을 하는 일이었습니다
. The first thing I had to do was contacting some wholesalers in Singapore.
도매상 wholesalers <-> 소매상
retail salers(retailer)
d) Before the project gets underway, we had three days of intensive meetings at the headquarters in Seoul. *get underway
진행되다 intensive 심도있는

3. 중간 단계에 순서대로 한 일은? How was it developed?
단계를 나타내는 말: at this stage, in the middle of the project
a) At this stage, the counterparts asked more detailed information.
the counterparts
b) Since we started this project 20 days ago, I've met some amazing people.
c) The fist meeting was successful in agreeing to participate in developing new DNA technologies.
d) To negotiate concerning the project, our CEO visited them twice.

4. 결과는 어땠나? How was the end?
결과를 나타내는 말: Lastly, finally, at the end, at last, consequently, it concluded as~, etc.
a) It went off well.
결과가 좋았다.
b) My hard work paid off well.
열심히 일한 보람이 있었다
c) The project was well carried out. *carry out

d) It ended successfully with the help of the volunteer workers. *~
의 도움으로

e) Unfortunately, the project failed due to lack of financial support programs.

*unfortunately 안타깝게도

Possible Answers
The project was about finding the right place for a hotel in Seoul. -> Right hotel for the client.
My team divided the process and each team member worked together.
I started searching for the good resources through the internet.
And then, I and team members went to many places to see if the place is appropriate.
I finished the project with success that we recommended one site for the client and the client liked our suggestion. With success
는 문어체이므로 successfully가 더 낫다. *divide 분담하다
Weak point Development
가 좀 약한 편이다.

The project was about publishing a book on phonics.
The starting time of this project was December 22nd of last year and a start-up meeting with the writers was held in the conference room of our company on January 5th of this year.
During the meeting, the first steps of the project were discussed and the work schedule for the book publishing was detailed.
Although there were some minor changes in the process, the project has been carried out in accordance with the work plan.
* be detailed
세부적으로 정해지다 carry out 수행하다, 진행하다

What do you usually do before you cook? Tell me the process in detail.
After figuring out what I'm going to cook, I make a call to the grocery store in my building and ask them to deliver whatever I need.
In my case, I usually have to wash the dishes from the previous night first, because I'm always too lazy to wash the dishes immediately after cooking.
By the time I finish washing the dishes, the groceries have usually arrived.
All that's left isfor me to hone my chef's knife and get started!
재미있게 이야기를 구성한 좋은 답변이다

1. Explain it coherently and chronologically.
2. Show clear goal and purpose.
3. Show the steps to the goal: preparation -> development(stages) -> conclusio

8회차 Exposition 과정 설명하기
Tell me about your major and the reason you choose or chose it.
"행동이나 생각의 근거를 얘기하기, 이유를 논리적으로 납득이 가도록 설명하는 것이 오늘 강의의 포인트입니다."
OPIc Strategy
1. Try to make a logical link between the two sentences.
인과관계가 확실히 드러나야 한다. 문장 간, 내용간의 연관성/논리에 신경을 쓰자
전공 선택의 이유가 미래 계획과 연관되게 설명해보자
전공을 왜 선택했나? "좋아해서도움이 되니까…" 이런 식으로 단순하게 대답하지 말고 두 세 가지 정도의 측면으로 나누어서 설명하자
) 개인적: 자신의 흥미와 적성에 맞는다 / 개인적(미래): 나중에 직업에 도움이 된다 / 객관적: 미래에 유망한 분야이다 / 현재 최고의 분야다

Why did you choose your major?
 Because I like it. (X)
è like my major because it’s suitable for my aptitude.
 I chose this major
because this is what my father wanted me to
 To achieve my goals, I chose my
전공 선택에 관한 개인적인 이유
자신의 경험에서 구체적인 예를 찾아서 이야기하자
) 전공을 선택한 이유

선생님의 추천이 있었는데,
선생님의 추천을 신뢰했고
자료를 찾아보니 미래에 유망한 전공 같았다
for example , my high school teacher recommended the course to me
어릴 적부터 경영 쪽에 관심이 있었는데, 어떤 책을 읽고 훌륭한 경영자가 되고 싶었다 등등..."나의 경험에서 구체적인 예를 만들어 보자
답변에 포함할 요소들

1. Basic information about the major
2. The reasons why I chose the major
3. Something good on it
4. Personal opinion about the major
Useful Expressions
전공에 관한 기본정보
a) My major is English literature
전공을 선택하게 된 계기가 있다면?
a) The reason I chose my major was that I love studying in medieval tradition.
b) !!
영작!! 저는 어려서부터 대체의학에 관심이 많았습니다
Ever since I was young, I have been interested in alternative medicine.
c) I chose this major because this is what my grandfather wanted to be.
d) My grandfather was my first major influence.
e) I chose my major because I enjoyed taking pictures and thought it just made sense.
*It just made sense.
말이 된다. 했어야만 했다
그 전공의 좋은 점, 이익이 되는 점 (미래와의 연관성)

a) One of the best things about my major is~.
b) One of the advantages of my major is that it easily allows students to prepare themselves for employment in a variety of jobs in government.
전공선택에 대한 자신의 생각/만족도 등등
a) I am satisfied with the decisions I have made in my life.
b) !!
영작!! 나는 내 전공을 좋아하는데 나한테 딱 맞기 때문이다.
I like my major because it is suitable for my aptitude.
c) I think I chose the wrong major in college.

Possible Answers
My major is business management.
I like my major, because I can apply the theories in the real situation.
And also I'm very interested in how to make profit through marketing plans. Learning marketing strategy would help me to get a good job in this field.
답변이 짧은 감이 있다. 더 풍부한 이유를 제시해보자. *apply 적용하다

I majored in elementary education. The reason I chose my major was I wanted to become an elementary school teacher in a rural environment. I have been interested in teaching young children since I was a middle school student.
현재완료를 잘 사용하자. Of course there are so many things to do while taking care of the children; however, I am quite satisfied with my current job and responsibilities.

*rural 시골의, 전원의 <-> urban *다양한 요소가 골고루 들어간 좋은 답변이다.

Q: Do you like your job, if so, why? If not, tell me the reasons.
A:Overall, I like my job, because it is giving me some really great experience that I'm sure will lead into a fantastic career in the long run. relation with the future plan
However, I'm not totally happy there because my manager and I don't see eye to eye on anything. I try not to take anything personally, but I think he just picks fights with me any time he's in a bad mood. personal opinion
전체적으로, lead into~ ~로 이끌다career 직업eye to eye = agree 동의하다

pick fights 싸울 거리를 만들다take something personally 개인적으로 받아들이다
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나의 개인적인 의견, 생각 등을 강조하여 조리있게 설명하자.

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