7회차 Exposition 짧은 질문에 대답하기
What kind of music do you like and when do you usually listen to it?

오늘은 단순한 정보를 묻는 짧은 질문에 어떻게 대답할지에 관해 배우는 시간입니다."
OPIc Strategy
단편적인 정보 한가지만을 대답에 사용하면 좋은 점수를 받을 수 없다.그와 연관된 이야기(relevant talk)를 풀어나가야 한다. ) What do you like to do on weekends? 라는 질문에
단순히 I like to read. 라고 대답하기보다는 그와 연관된, 무엇을what, 언제when, 누구와who, 어떻게how, why (5Ws) 라는 항목을 스스로 질문해 가며 덧붙이도록 한다
주제에서 벗어나면 산만한 대답이 되므로 주의한다
꼬리에 꼬리를 물고 논리적으로 연결시켜 나가자

답변에 포함할 요소들

1. What’s your favorite music genre?
2. Why do you like that kind of music?
3. When do you usually listen to it?
4. Where do you listen to it?

Useful Expressions
1. Genres
classical music, hip-hop, rock, heavy metal(s), country, western, K-pop(
a) "I like classical music."
라고 간단히 하지 말고
"I like all kinds of music and especially I like classical music."
b) I like almost all kinds of music.
c) Whatever they say, music is my life!
그 누가 뭐라 하든지, 음악은 제 인생입니다
2. Why do you like that kind of music?
a) It makes me feel brand new.
b) I like hip hops because I feel they keep me out of trouble.
* keep out of trouble
문제를 해결하다

c) Music is rejuvenating and soothing.
* rejuvenate
다시 젊어지게 하다 soothe 가라앉히다 참고: a soothing music 마음을 가라앉히
d)The lyrics of K-pop always touch my soul.
한국 가요의 가사가 내 영혼을 적셔준다. (감동을 준다)
3. When do you listen to it?
I usually listen to slow music at night; on the other hand, I like to listen to fast music while I am driving.
4. Where do you listen to it?
I love to listen to rock music when I am running outside.
: I love fast music while working out at the gym.
Possible Answers

I like classical music, especially I love listening to Cello music.
I usually listen to it when I get stress from work.
On the way back home, I listen to Yoyoma, then I feel much better.

I like almost all kinds of music except heavy metals because they're a little too noisy for me. I especially love to listen to classical music while reading a book at night. For me, classical pieces sooth my soul and helps me to relax. On the other hand, I like to listen to hip-hop music while I am driving to work. I feel like hip-hop makes me happy, especially early in the morning.
* except~ ~
은 제외하고 piece (음악 등의) 작품 한편 on the other hand 반면에


Q: You like chatting on the phone. Who do you talk with? What kinds of things do you talk about?
A:I try to call my mother at least once a day. We just talk about what's going on in our lives, plan birthday parties for family members, or any problems we might be having. It's hard to say how long we talk on average because some days it's just five minutes, but it can also last an hour or more. I'd say 30 minutes is a good guess.
* at least
적어도 it's hard to say~ ~라고 단정짓기는 어렵다

I'd say 30 minutes is a good guess. 제 생각에 한 30분 정도 하는 것 같아요.

은 원어민도 어려워하는 부분이다. 미리 숙지해 가고 많은 연습을 꼭 해야 하는 부분이다. * 질문자가 궁금해 할 부분을 미리 예상하여 답변에 포함시키면 short question short answer로 끝내지 않을 수 있게 된다. * 우선적으로 질문에 대한 답변을 하지만, 질문에 답한 이후 상대방이 바로 다시 물을 수 있는 질문을 생각하여, 그 예상되는 질문에 답한다는 생각으로 꼬리에 꼬리를 물고 이야기를 만들어 나간다. * 이때, 주의할 것은 너무 이야기의 흐름이 벗어나서 질문에 대한 direct answer이외에 더 많은 것을 얘기하면 안 된다는 점이다

: Outline of today's answer
1st step: answer to the question
2nd step: relevant talk 1
3rd step: relevant talk 2
)Q: What kind of music do you like and when do you usually listen to it?
A: I like classical music. And I like to listen to it when I go to bed. (x)
A: I love almost every kind of music, but most of all, I love hip-hop. Whenever I listen to it, I feel so much energy and want to dance to the beat. That's why I love to listen to hip-hop in the afternoon when I feel really tired and sleepy at work. Working on the computer makes me tired always, but when I turn on the groovy hip-hops I become alive in a minute.....(0)

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