9회차 과정 설명하기
Tell me about a project that you recently completed. What were the steps you took in order to begin working on and finish the project?

OPIc Strategy
오늘은 어떤 목표에 이르기까지의 과정을 보여주는 말하기"를 배웁니다.
1. Explain it coherently and chronologically.
처음부터 결론까지, 일관되게 설명합니다
단계를 하나씩 밟아 순서대로 설명합니다
2. Avoid personal opinion
객관적으로 일관되게 각 단계를 설명하는 것이 더 좋습니다. 중간 중간에 자신의 의견이 들어가면 초점을 잃을 수 있습니다
3. It requires performance goals or results.
하루의 일과(routine)를 설명하는 것과 비슷하면서도 다릅니다. 이번에는 목표(a final goal) 와 결과물(results)이 있었던 과정을 설명합니다. 그리고 그 목표에 이르는 단계를 차근차근 설명하는 것입니다
) 프로젝트를 성공적으로 마친 경험에 대해 얘기할 때,처음에 프로젝트의 목표를 제시하고, 시작-중간-, 세 부분으로 나누어서 설명합니다. 중간 과정을 스텝별로 자세히 나누어 설명하다가 끝에 결과를 설명할 때, "처음에 수립한 목적을 어떻게 달성했는지"를 설명하면 논리적인 과정 설명이 됩니다

답변에 포함할 4 Factors
1. Basic information
어떤 프로젝트? 어떤 목적
준비 및 시작 단계에서 한 일은
? Preparation(beginning) stage.
중간 단계에 순서대로 한 일은
? How was it developed?
결과는 어땠나
? How was the end?

Useful Expressions
어떤 프로젝트? What kind of project was it?

The project was ~
a) I've just finished a project on exporting second-hand cars to Vietnam.
* second-hand
중고 project + on
b) Recently, I've finished the branching out project.
branching out project
지사 개설 프로젝트

2. 준비 및 시작 단계에서 한 일은? Preparation(beginning) stage.
a) I had to set the project start date. (
개시일) set (날짜를)정하다
b) We had to prepare it thoroughly(
완벽하게) as it is our first time to work with them.
c) !!
영작!! 그 프로젝트에서 가장 먼저 해야 했던 일들은 싱가포르에 있는 몇몇 도매상들과 연락을 하는 일이었습니다
. The first thing I had to do was contacting some wholesalers in Singapore.
도매상 wholesalers <-> 소매상
retail salers(retailer)
d) Before the project gets underway, we had three days of intensive meetings at the headquarters in Seoul. *get underway
진행되다 intensive 심도있는

3. 중간 단계에 순서대로 한 일은? How was it developed?
단계를 나타내는 말: at this stage, in the middle of the project
a) At this stage, the counterparts asked more detailed information.
the counterparts
b) Since we started this project 20 days ago, I've met some amazing people.
c) The fist meeting was successful in agreeing to participate in developing new DNA technologies.
d) To negotiate concerning the project, our CEO visited them twice.

4. 결과는 어땠나? How was the end?
결과를 나타내는 말: Lastly, finally, at the end, at last, consequently, it concluded as~, etc.
a) It went off well.
결과가 좋았다.
b) My hard work paid off well.
열심히 일한 보람이 있었다
c) The project was well carried out. *carry out

d) It ended successfully with the help of the volunteer workers. *~
의 도움으로

e) Unfortunately, the project failed due to lack of financial support programs.

*unfortunately 안타깝게도

Possible Answers
The project was about finding the right place for a hotel in Seoul. -> Right hotel for the client.
My team divided the process and each team member worked together.
I started searching for the good resources through the internet.
And then, I and team members went to many places to see if the place is appropriate.
I finished the project with success that we recommended one site for the client and the client liked our suggestion. With success
는 문어체이므로 successfully가 더 낫다. *divide 분담하다
Weak point Development
가 좀 약한 편이다.

The project was about publishing a book on phonics.
The starting time of this project was December 22nd of last year and a start-up meeting with the writers was held in the conference room of our company on January 5th of this year.
During the meeting, the first steps of the project were discussed and the work schedule for the book publishing was detailed.
Although there were some minor changes in the process, the project has been carried out in accordance with the work plan.
* be detailed
세부적으로 정해지다 carry out 수행하다, 진행하다

What do you usually do before you cook? Tell me the process in detail.
After figuring out what I'm going to cook, I make a call to the grocery store in my building and ask them to deliver whatever I need.
In my case, I usually have to wash the dishes from the previous night first, because I'm always too lazy to wash the dishes immediately after cooking.
By the time I finish washing the dishes, the groceries have usually arrived.
All that's left isfor me to hone my chef's knife and get started!
재미있게 이야기를 구성한 좋은 답변이다

1. Explain it coherently and chronologically.
2. Show clear goal and purpose.
3. Show the steps to the goal: preparation -> development(stages) -> conclusio

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