10회차 Exposition 미래계획 설명하기
Can you tell me what you are going to do during your next visit to another country?

OPIc Strategy
오늘은 "가까운 미래에 세운 계획에 관해 설명하기" 시간입니다.

1. Try to find a relationship between future plans and present or past experience..
미래에 관한 계획을 이야기할 때, 단순히 "~하기로 했다" 고 얘기를 마치지 말고
지금 혹은 과거의 어떠한 경험에서 발단이 되었는지 포함해서 이야기를 만들어보자

계획하게 된 이유를 설명하고
현재나 과거의 경험을 예로 든다

be going to , plan to
등 아직 일어나지 않은 일들에 대한 계획을 말하는 표현법을 익히고 자연스럽게 사용하는 연습을 하자

답변에 포함할
4 Factors
어떤 나라 여행 가고 싶은지
? Which country do you want to go?
누구랑 가고 싶은지
? With whom would you ravel?
가서 하고 싶은 일은
? What's your plan to do there?
왜 그것을 하고 싶은지
? Why do you want to go there? What made you do that?

Useful Expressions

1. 어떤 나라 여행 가고 싶은지? Which country do you want to go?
a) I want to travel to Nepal.
b) I am planning a trip to Canada.
영작!! 다음여행에서는 사하라 사막에서 사륜구동 여행을 하고 싶습니다.
On my next trip, I am thinking about a 4WD trip to the Sahara desert.
*4WD(Four-Wheel Drive)

d) I have a plan to go backpacking across Europe.

누구랑 가고 싶은지? With whom would you travel?
a) I would like to travel with my best friend.
b) My roommate and I have been planning to go backpacking.
c) I want to travel alone.
참고: solo travel 혼자 하는 여행
가서 하고 싶은 일은? What's your plan to do there?
a) I will enjoy the exotic scenery and especially see tropical rainforest.
이국적인 rainforest 열대우림
b)I want to ride the world's fastest and most twisted roller coaster there.
c) That place is well known for its seasonal whale watching and I want to watch it!
*be well known for~ ~
로 잘 알려진
d) I would like to find the meaning of life in Tibet

왜 그것을 하고 싶은지? Why do you want to go there? What made you do that? 왜 그 곳에 가고 싶은지? What are the reasons?
a) It has always been my dream to see the Statue of Liberty.
b) They say Thailand is very much tourist friendly.
명사 + friendly: ~에게 친숙한, 친절한
tourist friendly
여행자를 반겨주는, 호의적인
c)Europe has always been my dream destination.
d)For me, it's good to travel alone and I see it's a way to refresh myself.
e) !!
영작!! 저는 여행을 하면 스트레스가 없어집니다. 그리고 의사들도 스트레스를 없애는 것이 건강 상태를 아주 많이 증진시킨다고 말합니다.
I get rid of my stress by traveling ,and doctors say removing stress will vastly increase your state of health.
*get rid of = remove vastly= hugely state

f) I want to go to Macchu Picchu because it has just been voted as one of the new Seven Wonders of the world.
*Macchu Picchu
페루의 잉카 유적
g) I've read a book and it says, through meditation in the Himalayas, we can develop a lasting inner peace and find the meaning of life, so I want to go there.
명상 lasting 지속되는, 오래가는

Possible Answers
중급자의 동영상
I want to travel to India for my next vacation.
The reason why I go there is that I have read a lot about India and travels to India.
And now I want to experience the real life in India.
I want to meet Indian on the street and experience what I have read in the book.
듣는 사람이 정말 가고 싶을 정도로 더욱 생생하게 설명해보자




I'm planning a trip to Brazil for my next vacation.
I've always wanted to go there, even though it's quite far from here and will cost a lot.
Some of my friends are telling me that it would be closer and cheaper to go somewhere near Korea, like The Philippines or China,
but it has always been my dream to see Rio’s Carnival.
I've already booked my flight because we have to make reservations far in advance.
가고 싶은 이유를 잘 설명한 답변이다
*far in advance
훨씬 이전에


Q: What is your plan after school?
When I finish school, of course I plan to get a job, but first I'm planning a big trip.
My roommate and I have been planning to go backpacking in Europe together since our freshman year.
Over the years we've collected books and maps, so we already know the places we will visit and how we're going to travel around.
We even made friends with some exchange students from Germany, Spain, and Italy, that will let us stay with them, which should save us a lot of money.
방법론까지도 자세히 설명한 좋은 답변이다

일단, 큰 그림에 대한 대답을 먼저 해야 한다
* Future plan -> Show some relationship between past/present & future.
* Grammar : be going to, be planning to
등등의 표현을 잘 익혀두자

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